Hello Lightning Tamers!

Just a reminder, the weekly Picks are way to show various artists and makers working in neon and plasma, to see the dirversity in there use of neon in their practice, and ofcourse the cool things they do with it. Hope to be able to bring you more than the podcast and Picks in the future. At the moment such time is not available, I’m very much in the research mode as I read up on material, make adjustments for future demonstrations and content. If there is are topics you’d like me to cover in blog, vidoe or podcast, please let me know, and I’ll be be sure to put that at the top of my list.

Now onto this week’s Weekly ⚡ Picks!

Feel free to send your questions to this email, share, and comment!

​Thank you, 

Percy Echols II 
Taming Lightning  ⚡

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