Elements of Plasma | Vessel Crafting: Quick Tips for Form and Structure when designing for Plasma and Neon Sculpture


Hello Lightning Tamers! 

I’ve been sitting on these tips for a long time, having collected various notes over the last 3 years talking with plasma artists and experts.

It’s hard to find a good way to share this knowledge without making the creative/fabricator/designer feel limited or lead their vision. These guidelines for form and structure are the most solid part of what I’ve learned thus far, as part of the research and writing I’ve collect for my book tentatively titled “Taming Lightning: A glassblower’s Guidebook to Plasma Light Sculpture”.

There’s so much goes into the process of Plasma Sculpture that I’m just focusing on presenting the fundamental and essential methods, while collecting and providing resources for further self-study and knowledge. That is to say I will fill in the science and history where it is necessary or difficult to resource, but will not got into a sort of technical manual writing.  Due to this being my formative years of experience, in addition to developing working methods for my particular environment, such as the public studio at Pittsburgh Glass Center, it’s hard to pin down many other details since my knowledge expands and updates very quickly; though if encouraged to share, I would be open to talking about moment to moment findings, just an I do with my colleagues.

In any case, Vessel Crafting the guidelines for design, form and structure, electrode attachment, cleaning, and leak checking is the first thing I’ve decided to tackle. These are quite stable, and If I write them correctly the readers’s own resourcefulness will lead to limitless creative choices.

If you’re interested in my particular thoughts on something, please ask, I’ll even see if I can discuss that question with someone more experienced so we can get a well-rounded answer.

As always, Be safe, be healthy, and be strong,

Percy Echols II | Taming Lightning

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