It’s time for an update! I’m updating the Elements of Plasma visual diagram to the second edition. Now the reason why I’m doing this instead of updating the previous post is to be able to show a bit of a timeline in terms of my progress on this matter. If you’ve follow me since the beginning you’ll notice that the process of learning plasma does take a bit of time and a bit of understanding to even grasp the fundamentals. Because of this I spend more time learning and re learning more than I produce new content. So If things are truly out of date, they will be removed, via redirection to updated post. It may not seem very efficient but if anyone has any suggestions on updateing and or editions/versions in regard to correct or updated info, please let me know.
In this case I sharing an expansion, adding notes that were made during my Virtual Lecture, Taming Lightning: Getting the word out!, for 2020 Glass Art Society Conference and refined through recent collaborative efforts of Intro to Plasma Series with GEEX, the Glass Education Exchange.
Below I’ll share some images along with the original graphic and some text to expand on what I mean by vessel crafting, alchemy, and technology as it relates to the elements of plasma.
-Percy Echols II | Taming Lightning
What is the Elements of Plasma?
- Elements of plasma diagram was created to provide a visual reference for the scope of information involved in the process of making a plasma lamp.
- You’ll notice that some areas are more defined in the overlaps, that’s shows that the different categories cannot be neatly studied in isolation, and that a healthy curiosity, respect, and understanding is require for growth in the field.
Vessel Crafting

The means of facilities, education, materials, and techniques related to glassmaking; contains the topics of vessel shape, structure, size, choice of electrode along with electrode placement.
This is what we would consider Material Knowledge, something that Glass Maker/Artist/Blower will need to consider relative to Plasma.
The means by which pieces can be processed and filled for plasma; contains topics such as cleaning, adding phosphors, glass color, filling technique, and gas mixtures and recipes.
This is something that is more Intuitive Knowledge, somewhere between the material and technical knowledge. Which is gained through time, experience, and trial and error. (Theory)


The facilities and the means to learn, educate, and practice processing and filling, and finishing plasma sculpture; contains the topics of the vacuum manifold, gas transfer system, gauges, equipment maintenance and use, Transformers for plasma, which includes considerations for resolving your sculptures aesthetically, and safely.
And lastly, this would be considered Technical Knowledge, gain through known quantities and tested procedures. Here you can find boundless resources through suppliers and manufacturers, technical manuals and books, videos and lectures, and research papers.