Music: walking – @ras_hop

APP DEADLINE: August 1, 2021

Pittsburgh Glass Center would like to invite BIPOC craftspeople to apply for Full Spectrum, an exhibition brought to you by @crafting_the_future, ORIGINS, and @thecolornetwork. This exhibition will celebrate the diverse voices in the field and the myriad of approaches to a fully realized practice and career. We invite you to apply whether you identify as a maker, artist, designer, craftsperson, or anywhere in between.

“Full Spectrum: Visionaries Elevating Art, Craft, and Design” will take place at PGC February 4–May 23, 2022. People from all craft media are invited to apply. The goal is to showcase visionary makers of color from around the country who are producing extraordinary craft objects, while illustrating the vast number of pathways to a successful and meaningful career.

In addition to the exhibition opportunity, Pittsburgh Glass Center is also offering two artist residencies.

The exhibition will be juried by Corey Pemberton (@instantglassic), an interdisciplinary artist and co-founder of Crafting The Future; April Felipe (@aprildfelipe), an artist working in ceramics and mixed media and co-founder of The Color Network; and Nisha Blackwell (@knotzland), an artist working in fiber and founder of Knotzland as well as a program consultant and business coach for the ORIGINS program at the @creativebusinessaccelerator


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