How to Dispose of Rare Gas Cylinders?

Hello Lighting Tamers!


Time for a Public Service Announcement! I’ll be answering “What are disposable gas cylinders?” and “How do Dispose of Gas Cylinders”  in the context of Rare Gas Cylinders and purchases.

What are Disposable Gas Cylinders?

Definition: Disposable gas cylinders are non-refillable cylinders that contain a single gas or a gas mixture used for function testing or can be used for calibration of portable gas detectors or fixed gas detection systems. These cylinders are called disposable cylinders because they cannot be refilled and when empty they should be thrown away. 1

Unless otherwise described by our distributor/seller, in our industry you are paying for the cylinder as part of our cost for your gas purchase, and thus will not need to return the used cylinder after use. So it becomes important to properly dispose of these cylinders.

How to Dispose of Gas Cylinders

2. Inc USS. How to dispose of gas cylinders. USA Safety Solutions, Inc. Published February 25, 2021.

Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

Disposal of a gas cylinder correctly is extremely important, both for safety and environmentally.

You can dispose of gas cylinders by doing the following:

  1. Check if your state classifies cylinders as hazardous waste
  2. Locate an appropriate recycling facility in your area.
  3. Confirm each cylinder’s readiness for disposal

Before disposing of any cylinder, familiarize yourself with any applicable state laws. Three important questions should also be asked when determining how to dispose of a cylinder:

  • Does the cylinder contain hazardous materials?
  • Is there any remaining pressure in the cylinder?
    • Global Rare Gases recommends opening valves fully on the cylinder when preparing for disposal so that it is not under pressure.
  • If empty, could the cylinder contain toxic residue?

Compressed gas cylinders should not be placed in regular trash or recycling dumpsters unless explicitly instructed by the county or city authorities.

Cylinder Recycling

In some states, empty cylinders can be recycled with other scrap metal. Many recycling facilities require that the valve be removed and the cylinder cut in half before they will accept it. The valve is removed by placing the cylinder in a vise and using a special tool (and some force) to completely detach it from the cylinder. Other facilities require that the cylinder be punctured before disposal.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

In other states, cylinders are classified as hazardous waste. In this case, an environmental consultant can be hired to handle the proper disposal of the cylinders. You may also have a facility in your area that is equipped to handle commercial hazardous wastes. Searching for your area’s household hazardous materials disposal via the city or county may be a good place to get information on commercial disposal of hazardous waste. Your cylinder supplier may also be able to provide you with information on disposal facilities in your area.

Disposal of Unidentified Cylinders and Damaged Cylinders

Compressed gas cylinders with unknown contents can post a great risk to employees and the environment if not handled with care. Cylinders with unknown contents should be handled and disposed of as though they contained the most hazardous of the gases available at your location. Some disposal facilities have the ability to identify and safely dispose of unidentified cylinders and their contents.

Cylinders that are leaking or that have damaged valves or other damaged parts will often not be accepted for disposal by typical facilities. In fact, cylinders with damaged valves often cannot legally be shipped. In the case of a damaged valve or leaking cylinder, a supplier or disposal facility should be contacted to safely transfer the contents of the cylinder.

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  1. Boer M. What are disposable gas cylinders? SEMA Gases. Published March 18, 2022.
  2.  Inc USS. How to dispose of gas cylinders. USA Safety Solutions, Inc. Published February 25, 2021.
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