Know your Elements! | Spotify Podcast Playlist


Hello Lightning Tamers!

Hope everyone is doing well, we are indeed in a strange world with strange times. In the first 4 weeks of staying at home (laid off from my job in hospitality) I’ve tried to be vigorously productive. Probably not the best way to take on the my newly reallocated time, as this can bring up anxiety by avoiding the new reality. Taking the time to reach out the past guest who have since become friends, checking in with family, and reaching out the community of Plasma, Glass, and Light artists has definitely helped cope and share strength.

This lead to a little break from the podcast to reach out and schedule some new recordings. 
One of the prime advantages I’m taking during this time, is to sit down and put in some learning and research.  While I’m familiar with the  Gases used in plasma and neon, I decided to dig a little deeper and find out the history of the Noble Gases, and why they were named, as well as some of the other gases such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Iodine vapor.

I’ll be posting a quiz in the next few days from my research. 
To give you an opportunity to refresh your knowledge on these gases, I put together a playlist for you to enjoy from the Podcast Chemistry in its Element produced by Chemistry World. Very brief and informative episodes. I encourage you the take a listen to podcasts on other elements as well. 

There’s are really good article I want to read for you, until the enjoy!

Be safe, Be healthy, Be strong,

Percy Echols II | Taming Lightning



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