Live  Q&A with Ed Kirshner | Summer workshop: Plasma Vessels Using Glass Solder

Friday March 4th, 2022 @ 7pm EST on Youtube

Hello Lightning Tamers!

This Friday I’ll be joined by Ed Kirshner live on youtube to talk about the upcoming plasma and glass workshop at the Pittsburgh Glass Center called Plasma Sculpture using glass Solder, we will be using a type of kiln fired enamel (or solder) to join readymade glass to create vessels to contain electrified noble gases for illuminated sculptures. Ed had developed and taught classes using this process or technique to create unique sculptures in the absence of and accessibility to glassblowing skill, as well as to explore glassmaking process in the likes of fused, slumped, and cast glass technique for plasma illumination.

Hope to see you live, bring lots of questions, we are going to clarify as much as we can about this class and this process, so you can make an informed decision and hopefully join us in July.

-Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning

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