
Hello Lightning Tamers!

Here I follow up in the hardware design for this piece and share what I did to prepare the vessel to solder the electrode via coldworking.

coldworking: the collective term for the many techniques and tools used to alter or decorate glass when it’s cold (at room temperature).  – Corning Museum of Glass

ex. engraving, cutting, gluing, carving, shaping, and or polishing.

Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning
​Follow along as I walk-through making a plasma light sculpture and the designs choices and decisions I make to it’s finished conclusion.

This will cover 3D printing/modeling, and glassblowing, as well as engraving , fire polished glass, coldworking glass , and glass solder aka  Kiln Soldered Glass.

Kiln Soldered Glass: using a low melting glass medium to bond two similar glass materials.

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