Meryl Pataky: “History Repeats itself; THE “LED NEON” Confusion”

Hello Lightning Tamers!

I’m sharing with you a blog post by Mery Pataky, she’s an artist that uses neon in her work is ways that are outside of of a convential setting,  as well as a curator and promotor of wemen Neon Benders and Artists. Check out her recent post aobut LED and Neon, regarding misinformation on saftey and effiency remarks against neon.

Also read through her post on interviews with various women neon artists and benders, you’ll get an insight on how these artist and makers get around to making and persuing their work, talk about issues regarding learning and working, as well as discussions on the medium itself. 

Since following her on instagram, and checking out her page, I’m interested talking with her, and having her on the podcast in the near future.

History Repeats Itself; THE “LED NEON” Confusion

You’re scrolling through instagram and see this super cute “neon” sign that would look AMAZING above your couch and immediately buy it. Or, maybe you notice something and visit the website to see it looks different than most neon signs you’ve seen. Perhaps you’re sold by the price and ju

More Information

Pick Your Poison – Mercury In CFLs Or Lead In LEDs (or Just Go Back To Incandescent Bulbs)

In the somewhat irrational war on incandescent light bulbs, one thing left out is that the current alternatives are not great yet either. If you break a CFL bulb, you’d better call in a HazMat team ( and who knows what the high frequency ballasts are doing to your pets?)


LED’s – It’s irrefutable, LED’s are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs . As an example, simply look at holiday light strands. The old incandescent holiday light strands usually allowed up to 4 be connected end to end. With LED holiday light strands, some manufacturers allow up to 40 strands to be connected end-to-end, all attributed to it’s energy efficiency.

Feel free to send your questions to this email, share, and comment!

​Thank you, 

Percy Echols II 
Taming Lightning  ⚡

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