New Inventory | A Noble Sign Sew-on Patches!

Hello Lightning Tamers!

It’s almost time for new episodes of taming lighting to come out! 

Before hand, I’m here to announce that I’ve added Sew-on patches to my zazzle store!

Similar to shirts I designed, I was looking to add some patches to my hoodie and lab coat and realized there were any periodic table patches available like there used to! I then decided that I would try to make my own, and lo and behold zazzle offers printed patches! 

I asked quickly those in my instagram community and was not surprised others would like to buy them as well!

Do note I do get royalty from the sales, and as zazzle is a print on demand. Any issues with print quality is handled by them. But I chose them for their Quality Assurance, so that has not been an issue for my own purchases!

See you in October!


Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning

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