New Work! | Atupa (Lime Light), 2022


Hello Lightning Tamers!

I’m currently finishing up a new plasma piece. It’s something you’ve see me work on before! But now I have the work resolved.

Making Plasma work can be quite pass/fail, executing the on an idea, and creating the form tends to happen expectedly in the  makes and breaks in glassblowing, but the final presentation and the little decisions along the way take quite a bit of time. As typical of someone of mixed media and myriad of tools and tech, I have heavily relied on my growing use of CAD (computer assisted design), 3D printing, and the suggestions and discoveries of my peers.

This piece was formally called Ashetu for “prestige hat” and my interpretation of it as an object hovering like plumbob like that  above a sim character. 

​But I’ve discovered a different term, Atupa, meaning “lamp” or “lantern”, as I move into the next stages of my career (I’ll talk about this in a future post or podcast, a lot has happened for me during the last few years) the work was transformed for me, as a object of light, a lantern a lamp in similar representation of say the DC comic superhero Green Lantern. An object of power, and a Battery of Will.

I want to shift my work into these objects after I finish a few more of my Inspire Pieces. Below you can see some images staged in my apartment and my Instagram post showing my progression for this peice over the last 2 years, as well as livestream links on my design process, utilizing my latest acquisition of a methodology for glass solder, which Ed Kirshner and I discuss for an upcoming workshop at the Pittsburg Glass Center this summer.

Feel free to share, comment, and subscribe.

As always Be Safe, Be Informed, and Be Curious, and I’ll See you next time. 


Percy Echols II

Live Q&A with Ed Kirshner | Plasma Vessels Using Glass Solder
Plasma Design
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