




Hello Lightning Tamers!

It has begun! It’s time to put all this thinking into action, get in the studio, and make this happen.

The last two months have given me time to focus on my next moves. The biggest hurdle being how to reconfigure design and make the modifications to the Vacuum Manifold.

Let’s be Honest I’m not a scientific glassblower, an the little Flameworking instruction I’ve had, has made me very cautious about making these changes myself.

And what a big success this was. I paced myself and did some practice seals to get a handle on how to work at the torch. I was most concerned about modifying the main body of the manifold which allows to me connect to the pump, gauges, and gases. Oh, would I be completely destroyed if that had gone badly.

Essentially I’m looking to achieve is to take our current setup apply the following changes:
  • Functional and attractive aesthetic that welcomes questions and curiosity.
  • remove the clutter of on top of the cart by inlaying the gauges into the surface.
  • Have tanks secured and accessible near the top.
  • Fill Line Gauges visible by their respective valves and labeled clearly​.
  • Contain and secure tools, and induction heater “under the hood”.
  • Have an independent Hand torch installed with the cart using Map Gas and air pump.
  • Flexible and adjustable tubulation port using the ball joint connection.
Stay tuned for more as I continue working on the Plasma Light Lab!

-Percy Echols II | Taming Lightning

Pittsburgh Glass Center

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