Podcast | EP 37: Intro to Plasma – Chapter 4: Starting your Plasma Journey



Hello Lightning Tamers!

In today’s podcast, I’ll be joined by Ben Orozco for he final chapter of this collaborative series, Intro to Plasma. We’ll be discussing my ongoing journey to become an independent plasma maker, strategies for assembling a gas-filling manifold, and thoughts on accessibility, education, and advancing the field of plasma and glass.

Show Notes


Music Credit


The introduction:

GEEX Intermission:

  • Sunny Side by ONE

Global Rare Gases promo:

Information Unlimited:

Swagelok promo: 


Percy’s Recommended TL⚡ Episodes
EP 29: Nixie Tubes with Dalibor Farny

  • For those who don’t know Dalibor is a small manufacturer of the world’s largest nixie tube & Clocks in the Czech Republic. I believe his journey parallels the struggles of those pursuing the seeming untamable nature of plasma or anyone in pursuit of self learning.
Ep 34: Tristan August – Plasma & Konstruktiv

  • Tristan’s story emphasizes the need to have a growing respect and understanding of components, knowledge, and skills as introduced in chapter 2, and shows another perspective on learning plasma from an engineering and technical background, and collaborating with glass artists and makers
We’re hoping at least 100 listeners will each chip in $7 per episode.

Help us reach our goal for Percy’s podcast by donating below!

On mobile? Venmo @geexglass with the word “PLASMA”.

GEEX x Taming Lightning Intro to Plasma Series – An entry level overview of Plasma Sculpture

In this collaboration between Percy Echols II of Taming Lightning and Ben Orozco of GEEX, the two respective plasma and neon artists/technicians are producing a 4-chapter series for glass educators and co-learners new to the plasma process, introducing elements of plasma in an easy-to-apply format, while touching on Percy’s journey as a self-starter and alchemist.

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