Slides | The Making of: Inspire (Neon Citrus), 2021


Hello Lighting Tamers!

I was finishing up the application for the Carol R. Brown Creative Achievement Award, and decided to a do livestream on instagram as worked on it. Unfortunately some of the music I was using got flagged so the video might be blocked. 

Anyways, these slides are just simplified walkthrough on how I resolved this piece, Inspire (Neon Citrus). Trying to create some supportive documents for some of the recent work I’ve been making and my artistic practice.

Might be a good outline for more in depth discussion if anyone is interested.  With that considered Glass Solder is on that list, in addition to comparison between DIY and commercial glass solders.

If you get any idea or questions, feel free to share and comment!

-Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning

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