Video | Artist-in-Residence Ethan Samaha at Pittsburgh Glass Center


Hello Lightning Tamers!

The Glowing Conclusion of Ethan Samaha’s Residency at the Pittsburgh Glass Center!

Here’s a low down on what Ethan was doing this week of April 4th-8th!

Ethan is practicing neon bender and prominently focuses on the use of his neon tubing as part of his artistic practice as it relates to light and space art! So this residency was all about experimenting with both opaque and transparent colors and layers for hand-pulled tubing that was not seen or available in commercial neon tubing.

Both Zach Layhew (@zlayhew) and I gaffed (blow glass for) Ethan during this residency as Ethan hadn’t blown glass at the furnace for over 5 years when he was in undergrad, but he held his own in assisting and overseeing the project, and making quick decisions!

A Double-feature interview coming soon to Taming Lighting! More updates to come!

Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning

Artist-in-Residence Ethan Samaha at Pittsburgh Glass Center

Hear from Ethan Samaha (Virginia) on his innovative, and often experimental, work in neon art and his explorations with blowing glass rod during his residency at Pittsburgh Glass Center in April 2023. Recorded 4/6/23. Visit to learn more about residency opportunities at Pittsburgh Glass Center.

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