​Hello Lightning Tamers!
​I know you’ve been waiting for the next Podcast Episode with Mundy Hepburn. Unfortately it will be delayed until March. Working on the Neon Lab had taken priority among others. Thank You for your patience and understanding.

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Today has been a major milestone in my task to upgrade the Neon Lab for the upcoming 2-day workshop. The main reason for this upgrade is to replace the damaged copper lines that had come with the original donated system. Thanks to the support from the Plasma Art Alliance, and some among the Plasma Neon Community: Aaron Ristau, Bruce Suba, Patrick Collentine, Kevin Twing and Anders Mikkelsen (an many other who gave their time and input); the tubing is bent and shaped to fit the Neon Lab. 

I now have a foundation in what and where to purchase parts for future repairs and additions. My next task is to test the newly installed stainless-steel lines for leaks, and be ready to go!
Hope you enjoy the Weekly Picks!
Thank You,

Percy Echols II
​Taming Lightning  ⚡



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