Hello Lightning Tamers!

This week I went ahead and persued some upgrades that I’ve been saving since I bought my second vacuum gauge.

  1. Vacuum Gauge adapter with valve
  2. Valve on the tubulation Arm

Essentially, The Vacuum Gauge adapter allows me to add two gauges at the same port, a High Vacuum  and  a Low Vacuum guages.

The Valve on the tubulation Arm, allows me to pump out two pieces, while controlling which one filled at a time.

I guess I really should get a post going of my Manifold setup, so that the unfamiliar can have a better idea of equipment, as well as terminology. (All coming soon)

Thanks to Mrs. Lori Neu, the scientific glassblower at University of Pittsburgh for her personality, wisdom, and experience, in helping design, and fabricating what I need.
Hope you enjoy the Weekly Picks!
Thank You,

Percy Echols II
​Taming Lightning  ⚡



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