Hello Lightning Tamer!

Here we are with this week’s, WeeklyPicks!
One of the things I’ve been thinking about lately is to change up how much I do the weekly picks, while I could make that decision on my own, I’d like to get your opinion on the matter. 

It may not seem like it, but it does take a bit of time to do the weekly picks. Sure it fun searchign for interesting and new images from artists and makers, but it does take a little longer when comes to downloading and resizing, often taking forever unless I’m at home using  wi-fi. In end i’m considering on pulling back on that, in order refocus that same time, into bringing a more variety. Be it vlog updates or something else. I don’t yet know.

If you have an idea for something your realling interested in seeing, please don’t hesitate to click the Feed back button and leaving me a message!

Below is a litte poll on how often you’d like to see WeeklyPicks, and would really appreciate you take a second of your time to vote.

Thank You,

Percy Echols II


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