Hello Lightning Tamers!

My first fill for this piece was last year, where I left the tubulation longer incase I wanted to change it. 

Well on Wednesday with the guidance of Mr. Mundy @mundymhepburn, Still limited to Neon and Argon gas, we were able to come up with something more interesting. I did apply some phosphors to add a little pop, luckily there was enough emitted UV for them for it glow a bit yellow on the inside of hte glass. The use of phoshors is much more effective in plasma with the use of krypton or Xenon gase or in the case of Neon Tubing/Traditional Neon using argon with mercury.

Now that everything is together, it’s ready for my trip to Venice, Italy for the Glass Art Society Conference on Murano! Stay tuned for exciting content while i’m there, images from the Vetro Illuminato exhibition, video/audio from lectures and demos, and maybe some video podcasts!

Hope you enjoy the Weekly⚡Picks!
Thank You,

Percy Echols II
​Taming Lightning  ⚡



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