Author: PercyEcholsII

  • A Breakthrough for Taming Lightning! Recieved the First Ron Desmett Memorial Award!

    ​Hello Lightning Tamers! On July 7th I found out that I was awarded the First Ron Desmett Memorial Award and Residency at Pittsburgh Glass Center! Thank You, Percy Echols II Taming⚡Lightning Pittsburgh Glass Center Pittsburgh Glass Center is one of the top glass facilities in the U.S. Rent the studio today! Sign Up below for…

  • First Recipient for the Ron Desmett Memorial Award and Residency!

    The Jurors were very excited to hear about your blog and podcast, Taming Lightning and that you will be making original work that uses Plasma as an artistic medium, while researching and developing a space to explore this new medium over the next year. Hello Internet! On July 7th I found out that I was awarded…

  • Weekly⚡Picks – July 7th, 2018

    Hello Lightning Tamers!  Bought an unused Blue Spark XLR microphone @bluemicrophones recently, currenlty collecting gear to upgrade my audio for the podcast. Next up is an interface! Unfortunately this will not necessarily improve the my guest audio, as it is their convenience that is most important to me. Enjoy! Percy Echols II ​Taming⚡Lighting #weekly⚡picks #collectinggear Bought an…

  • FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK! My response to recent Feedback Submissions!

    Hello Lightning Tamers! I’ve created a Feedback Survey in the last few months, also located on the right side bar on this page. Here I’m going to briefly respond to the submitted feedback, as a small break while working one EP 9 with Bernd Weinmayer. Just want to let you know that I’m listening, and…

  • Weekly⚡Picks – June 29th, 2018

    Hello Lighting Tamers! This is Day 3 of my new Job at AC Hotel Pittsburgh by Marriott, I’m currently helping with opening the hotel, which is quite the experience. Learning all the details that go into preparing the space, while learning the layout of every inch of the building. Here’s hoping for a better experiences, and…

  • Weekly⚡Picks – June 20, 2018

    Hello Lightning Tamers! I just quit my job at the Fish Market, and will be transitioning to Front Desk work at a new hotel. I hoping this doesn’t change my ability to work on the podcast, so here’s hoping. I’ve done hospitatily work years ago, so it should feel mostly familiar. In regards to the…

  • Everything Matters | Neon | Ed Kirshner | Exploratorium

    Hello Lightning Tamers! So why am I sharing this video? We’ll Ed Kirshner has been on my top 10 list of guests for the podcast. He’s been working in Plasma as long as Mundy Hepburn (EP 7) and Wayne Strattman. I recently met him at the Glass Art Society Conference as part of exhibition we are…

  • Weekly⚡Picks – New Job

    Hello Lightning Tamers!  I’ll be working my new job soon! I’m not sure how that’s going to affect everything, but it’s a definite upgrade from where I’ve been working.  #weekly⚡picks Please check out the link in my bio and fill out the feedback survey for the Podcast! Getting a new job, something that will put…

  • Weekly⚡Picks – Changes to Weekly Picks

    Hello Lightning Tamer! Here we are with this week’s, Weekly⚡Picks! One of the things I’ve been thinking about lately is to change up how much I do the weekly picks, while I could make that decision on my own, I’d like to get your opinion on the matter.  It may not seem like it, but…

  • Vlog⚡ June 2018 Podcast Update

    Hello Lightning Tamers! A little Vlog update regarding the Podcast this month. After getting back from the Glass Art Society Conference in Murano, I took time to think about my next moves for my immediate life and the podcast.  Due to not having a recording last month, there will be no podcast episode for June.…

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